Trading Spaces Recap: Season 9 Premiere – Not Our First Rodeo

Trading Spaces season 9 finally premiered after 10 years off the air and everyone is super excited! On last night’s episode of Trading Spaces season 9, Doug Wilson & Hildi Santos Tomas work with Ty Pennington and Carter Oosterhouse to redo rooms for two sisters that live next door to each other. Melissa and Michele are so close that they bought houses next door to each other. Michele and her husband Ryan are looking to have their master bedroom redone into a retreat for them. Melissa and her husband Keith want to have their guest room done. Melissa and Michele’s mother won’t even stay there when she visits.

The teams have two days and $2000 to complete their rooms. Melissa and Keith are working with Doug in the design of Michelle and Ryan’s bedroom. Melissa tells Doug that they would like to do something tropical for her sister’s bedroom because of how much they love Hawaii. Carter is their carpenter for this project. Meanwhile Michele and Ryan are working with Hildi and Ty on her sister’s guest room. They tell Hildi that they would love to tie in some penguins into the design.

Hildi has a great idea for the guest bedroom, they are going to do a really cool design in the paint for a couple of the walls and ceiling. Ty is going to then build a Murphy style bed into wall so that when it’s not being used as a guest room, they can use it as an office. Doug shows Melissa and Keith the color he has picked for the ceiling in the bedroom and it’s a really dark brown and Melissa isn’t too thrilled about it. Doug then tells her that he wants to put burlap on the walls and that’s where Melissa says “no, I can’t do that.” Paige asks her what she is worried about and she tells her it’s too much texture in a room with a really dark ceiling. She is still stuck on this paint color.

Paige tells Melissa that she needs to be a little braver with this design and Doug tells them that when it all comes together, things are going to look amazing. Doug then gives Melissa a hug and tells her it’s all going to be okay. Melissa goes outside and Paige goes to see her and Melissa tells her she is just nervous because she can’t see the whole picture without knowing all aspects of the design.

Hildi is now talking to Ty about the Murphy bed and he is a little nervous about building this bed on the Trading Spaces budget. Meanwhile, Michele and Ryan are painting the design on the walls in Melissa and Keith’s guest room. Back at Michele’s, Melissa and Keith are hanging burlap on the walls and Doug is working with Carter with the design for a new dresser for the room because the one that was in there was hideous.

Hildi and Michele are now reupholstering some chairs that Hildi though would fit into the room. Melissa is finally getting a say in something for the design in her sister’s room, she is told by Paige that she can pick one thing from the Wayfair pop-up shop in the driveway that has to go into the room. Keith points out these great lamps and Paige throws in a couple of colorful birds, which are really a set of four, but Paige tells them to use two and keep two.

Ty and Carter are talking about the frame for something that Carter is building and he managed to build it around one of the tent posts which is hilarious and Ty is never going to let him live that down. Meanwhile, Michele and Ryan are picking something from the Wayfair pop-up shop and they pick out this great lighting fixture for the room.

Melissa and Keith now have a homework assignment, they have to hang a ceiling fan and finish putting the burlap up on the walls. Michele and Ryan have to finish the painting on the walls and ceiling. They were never sold on the pattern and definitely weren’t sold on putting it on the ceiling. They finished the two walls, but didn’t do the ceiling, kind of on purpose. When Hildi comes in, she is not thrilled on the ceiling not being finished, but it’s going to get done. Doug checks on Melissa and Keith who didn’t finish the burlap because they went to bed.

Melissa and Keith are now helping Carter put together some drawers for Michele and Ryan’s new dresser and taking a break from the burlap. Meanwhile, Ty is trying to talk Hildi into not doing the ceiling because he needs to install the bed and he can’t do that with everyone in their painting the ceiling. Hildi is not compromising with Ty, he is not thrilled about having to work around them while installing this bed with only four hours remaining. Hildi, Michele and Ryan are working on the ceiling when Ty comes in to tell them that he is ready to install the bed. They finish up and get the scaffolding out of the room so Ty can come in and build the bed.

After the bed goes in, it’s time to load in the room and put all the furniture in and it looks awesome after! Meanwhile, the burlap is finished and Michele and Ryan’s bedroom are finished too! Time is up and both rooms are finished and ready for reveal! Are you ready to see the before and after of these two rooms?

Gallery: Michele and Ryan’s Master Bedroom Before and After

Gallery: Melissa and Keith’s Guest Room Before and After

The Master Bedroom cost them $1812.25 and Michelle and Ryan loved their new bedroom retreat! The Guest Room cost $2000.24 and Melissa and Keith adored their Guest Room! What did you think of this brand new episode of Trading Spaces? Let me know in the comments below, on Facebook or on Twitter!


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