Fixer Upper Recap: Season 5 Episode 12 – Chip and Jo’s Family Garden

Last night on Fixer Upper season 5, Chip and Joanna, with the help of their children, decide to build a large garden at their farm. They wanted to have space for a lot of different things in this garden such as fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers and a chicken coop. Keep reading to find out how this family project turned out!

The plot of land they have to use for this project is pretty big and Joanna would really like a big garden shed and a chicken run around the garden so that they can eat the grasshoppers that have been eating her current garden. This is what the plot looked like and the sketch of what Joanna would like it to look like when it’s done.

Gallery: ‘Before’ Fixer Upper Photos

Chip gets started with framing the garden shed and has Duke and Drake help plant the trees so that they can get some roots established. Meanwhile, Ella and Emmie are checking on their new baby chicks and Chip has them give the chicks names. Lemon, Pillow, Chocolate and Fluffy have been welcomed to the farm.

This project is really coming along and have someone coming in to take a look at the electrical for the lighting inside and outside the shed. Chip is putting the roof on the top of the shed and Joanna is trying to figure out how the siding on the shed is going to work. There is a crew clearing the garden and putting in the raised garden beds.

They really want this shed to look like it’s been there as long as their house has been instead of this new addition to the farm. The flooring is a little more rustic and they are putting some antique doors on the outside of the shed. On the opposite side of the door, they are putting in this huge window to add some great natural light into the garden shed.

Joanna really wanted to have a fireplace put in for the cooler nights that she might be out there working. She also plans on using this as an office. She has justified this fireplace by telling Chip that plants thrive on carbon dioxide and fire produces that. I don’t think Chip is buying it though. Regardless, she gets her fireplace.

Joanna goes to see Clint to have him build her a 10 foot picnic table for the garden for family gatherings. He recommends using teak wood so that it lasts a really long time. She tells him that she doesn’t like that teak tends to turn grey, but he tells her that there is oil you can use on it once a year to stop it from doing that.

She heads back to the farm and has Emmie and Ella help her plant some flowers that climb and she has put some teepees put in for them to climb up. Later, Joanna notices that the grasshoppers have already started attacking her plants. Luckily, the chicken run is already in the works and once it’s up in a couple of days, they can put some of the bigger chickens into it to help get rid of the bugs.

The project is just about done now that the potting tables and fireplace are in and the cabinets are being put in also. The crops are all planted and starting to grow. Joanna has decided to put in a rain water collector and pump. The chicken coop is up and the baby chickens are being introduced to it. Ella and Emmie have been put in charge of putting wood chips into the coop and nesting areas. The chickens seem to love it!

Clint comes with the table he made for the garden and it looks amazing! Joanna absolutely loves it and loves it even more when Clint tells her that the bottom of the table legs were shaped to look like turnips. It’s a really nice table. After the finishing touches are finished, it’s time to get a look at the finished project! Here is what it looked like when they were finished!

Gallery: ‘After’ Fixer Upper Photos

What do you think of this amazing garden? Let me know in the comments below, on Facebook or on Twitter!


1 Comment

  1. So! Did it work? Did the force field of chickens keep out the grasshoppers? Or did they jump over? Loved this episode!

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